Tuesday, May 27, 2014

4.48 Psychosis

I saw the reflection of her face in the mirror  in a dim light at exactly  4.48, when she stood with her wrists slit and the redness of her being dripping down on her white trousers. Love me, she said... Love me...
That's how I first met Sarah, and I've kept meeting her for so many years of my life... Night after night and day after day... Love me...
She kept waiting to be loved and I kept waiting for her to tell me whose love was she anticipating so much... Love me...
Until the day when I realised that it was me she kept calling, me she was waiting for, me she was needing. Love me...
She wanted me to love myself in her, something that she was incapable of doing herself. Something that I was not able to do for so many years. And what was stopping me? Sometimes it is so complicated to comprehend ourselves, our own needs and feelings.
Love me...
My wings might have been broken hundreds of times, but still I know I have the strength to fly again.
My body might have been torn into thousands of little pieces, but still I have the power to pull myself together.
My world might have been shuttered more than once, but still I exist.
And I don't want to run away from myself anymore. I want to stand in front of the mirror and whisper... I love you...

For myself and Sarah Kane.