Wednesday, September 20, 2017

To that 16 year old boy who whispered 'I want to fuck you' at 8pm at the traffic lights

To that 16 year old boy who whispered 'I want to fuck you' at 8pm at the traffic lights....

It hurt for a moment,
I was walking down the street engrossed in my thoughts...
I was loving my work at that moment,
and then your words pierced the balloon.

I looked back but I was unable to see you, there were too many people crossing the street and the traffic began to move.

So I walked.
I walked ahead and my thoughts have changed,
for a moment...

For a moment I felt hurt, dirty, sleazy, helpless...

And I walked.
I was walking ahead and with each step the pierced balloon began to fill itself up again.
it was not magic.
it was real...
and I began loving myself, my body and my work even more...

You see, dear boy...

you are a coward.
You whispered those words behind my back and didn't even wait for my response.
I feel angry with you, dear boy, for having deprived me of a chance of telling you this into your face.
Real men do not behave this way.
Real men have courage to face the consequences of their actions.

you are illiterate.
You see, dear boy, real men don't fuck.
They give pleasure and they are given pleasure, they look deep in the eyes and words get stuck in their throat when they see their women's beauty.
And if your father had failed to teach you that, dear boy, then I feel sorry for you. Your life must have been really Fucked till now that it turned you into such a weakling.

Thank you, dear boy, for having found my body attractive.
I am more than double your age... I am that maths teacher who failed you last year for you did not study hard enough, I am that woman whose driving skills are better than yours, I am that woman who went to the engineering college while you failed in your exams, I am that woman who runs a company where your father works, I am that policewoman who protects cowards like you from being robbed....
And we love our bodies... For we are beautiful... tall, short, skinny, overweight, long hair, short hair, curly hair, thighs, hips, ankles, calfs, shoulderblades, neck... We are all beautiful.
At 38 my body is capable of much more than yours ever will, for I value myself... For my body has been subjected to the gaze of unmanly cowards like you and it hated itself for a moment until one day both I and my body have decided: stop. enough. restructure the values.

My balloon is bright, dear boy, I hold it with pride as I walk down the street. And I love my work and body even more at the moment...
You see, dear boy, my work has the power of words and thoughts that are slightly more sophisticated than the 5 word sentence structure of your reptilian brain.
And I am going to use the words I have. I am going to use them to let 16 year old girls know that they are beautiful, that they are worthy, that they do not need anyone to protect them from cowards like you because they are stronger than you anyways... And those 16 year old girls shall grow to become real women, who will know who real men are, and those men will love them and they would feel loved by them.

And you , dear boy, will turn into bitter, unloved coward who will never learn who a woman is.

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