Sunday, June 29, 2014

For myself.

W zyciu piekne sa tylko chwile...

I saw a field of golden sunflowers on a summer's day. Thousands of suns under the blue sky. Only once, and only for a moment as we walked from a tiny train station of a sleepy town.
But this is a story of yesterday. A story of a small peace sign that was there on one's favourite bag...
Is it there today too?
Today is a mixture of the past and future. Is it really possible to change one's life so easily? To travel miles and reach a place where you can really start afresh. Be the same person that you once were... The peace sign, the sun on the face, the touch of the leaves, the touch of the street dog, getting drenched in the rain and enjoying it...
I know that the past is still there inside me, but maybe new beginnings are really possible?
I always knew that touch has this amazing energy that allows one to feel the nature of connections with other people, but maybe similar things are possible with places? Maybe some places can have inviting energies, while some other simply tire us up?
I feel at home after a long time. Peace. Maybe it is not the same kind of peace as I experience while walking among the green palm trees, but peace is here around me. And it seems as if the city was inviting me to come.

I had a dream once... Always same dream that I stole while having tea under a tree...

Dream of a small room, a table, a chair, glasses, cats, window, lake, trees, school, he sitting by the table and writing, a little girl running and laughing while playing, 2 cups of tea...

Funny how Shakespeare once died for 50000rs salary... or was it 40000 rs course in modelling the emptiness?

But I'm here now and it feels as if travelling all those miles brought me closer to this dream again. Dreams are to be made and lived, not preached and forgotten.

The peace sign on a bag... I still have it, just like the memories of golden fields of the sunflowers when we all walked from a tiny station of a sleepy town.

W zyciu piekne sa tylko chwile... dlatego czasem warto zyc....