Monday, February 9, 2015

When she watches contemporary dance...

When she watches contemporary dance...

She unwraps her sari and walks slowly towards a chair. She is wearing black palazzos and a tight black top.
She sits on the chair. She adjusts her position a number of times. Legs crossed. Right on top. Left on top. She leans forward. She leans against the chair. She covers her face a few times. She plays with her hair. She yawns. She looks here and there.
She opens her bag and takes a brochure out. She reads a few lines. She keeps the brochure inside her bag.
She leans forward. A mobile rings. She pretends it is not hers and tries to reprimand a man sitting next to her. The mobile rings again. She answers the call and speaks in a rather audible whisper. She keeps the mobile in her bag.
She changes the position and opens her bag again. She takes out an old projector. She keeps it on the floor.
She takes out a torch. She lights it and directs the stream of light towards the audience.

The sound system begins to play digitally remastered recording of a cat meowing and purring. Meowing and purring. Meowing. Purring.

She begins to speak:

Stand up slowly. As slowly as you can.
Do not smile. 
Take 3 steps forward. Stop.
Look to the left. Look to the right. To the left. To the right. The left. The right. Left. Right. 
Look up........
Lift your hands to your face. Keep your index fingers inside your mouth and stretch the corners of your mouth down to make a sad face.
Release your left finger.
Use your right finger to make a repetitive sound in your mouth. Clock. Clock. Clock. Stop.
Look to the left. Look to the right.
Release your right finger.
Run and exchange places with anybody you can see around. Stop.
Raise your right hand and with a fast movement stick it in your mouth. 
Release the hand.
Raise your right hand and beat your chest thrice.
Hand down.
Fall flat on your face.
Lift your right hand and spread your fingers in a dramatic gesture. 
Make a dramatically sad face.
Shake harder.
Breathe heavily.
Keep shaking.
And breathe.

She turns off the torch and keeps it down. She claps. She stands up. She goes out.