Saturday, April 5, 2014


I have chosen silence, it is a very prominent figure of speech. Sometimes remaining silent can help you in finding the dignity that was lost while the words were flowing out of its own, as if they had their own independent existence that you cannot control.  They floated and floated (would be great if you could sometimes help me to find a synonym for floating, I always admire how good you are with words, while for me they stick to my skin like little drops of sweat that has a salty taste after I finish my rehearsal) but they couldn't reach anywhere. Is there always somewhere where one has to reach? Can't we just float (see - again a synonym would be needed) aimlessly through life enjoying the sweetest bites of it? Eating life like children having chocolates - open a box and pick up anyone you want and you imagine that the box would never become empty. Or you secretly enjoy the sweet taste of things in your mouth... hidden somewhere behind an old tree, your grandmother's dress or simply sitting on a bed in your room? I love licking chocolate when it melts on my fingers. Developed the taste for it when I was a real child, but I had told you this story before. 
I don't even know if you are enjoying my stories. They are becoming shorter and shorter every day. I think I'm tired. Sometimes it feels as if every word was taking away a bit of me, wiping me away from the surface of the earth. As if  I were the chocolate melting in your eyes when you are reading this. A playwright once told me that writing is a very private affair, something that drains him out and makes him feel that he doesn't want a company of people around him anymore. 
Can a soul hold somebody's soul in the arms? Can you hold me now?
 I think I'm melting.
Silence is a very prominent figure of speech. Can you break it? As if you were breaking a glass, a brick or a wall? I hate walls around me.... Can a soul hold anther soul? Silence... Figure of speech... break... wall... silence...