Friday, October 24, 2014

The gifts

Do you remember the orange that I keep in my bedroom? It was there since I was 12. It was a beautiful gift that I wanted to keep forever so I dried it and kept it there at my speaker.
There once was an amazing dancer with beautiful long curly hair and a little 12 year old girl who wanted to learn how to dance... So she took her flute and went to the old town to play and earn her money for the dance classes.... And since she liked that dacer very much she once gifted him a box that had a small flower inside... she learnt it from a play that she watched so many times - the greatest gift that you can give is you yourself...  And the dancer gave her a gift on her birthday  - the performance was for her only and an orange that was used as a stage prop... she kept that orange forever... She even vaguely remembers him sliding down the rope in another play few years later... And the story of his first love whose name was same as mine... I think he even looked her up and married her eventually... But I can't believe that somebody like him could have become a pole dancer later on...
I recently found a guava that I'm planning to add to my little collection of memories... A fruit from the dreamlands of nature...

I still dream of a perfect birthday gift when one would take me to an empty theatre and all night I could just stand o empty stage and experience the magic of being right there....

Pole dancer... Just like I couldn't believe that you could have exchanged Shakespeare for Kingdom of Emptiness... It did buy you a dog and a nice flat... but I liked that blue room with cracked walls much more than that.... And a gift....

There once was a tree where a boy used to have tea with two girls. One was a beautiful one, a picture of utter perfection - big eyes, short height, soft contours of her face... The other was an ugly one - too tall, long face, small eyes, dishevelled hair...  The boy kept looking at one and kept talking to another... He loved the beauty of the soft face and the words and stories uttered by the other girl... He wanted to gift them gifts, so he painted the beautiful one and gave an empty blue notebook to the other one.....  Thank you for not painting my face.... What can one do with a painting but keep it on a wall and look at it every day......  I was so disappointed when I got my gift, but I think it did me well... I did not know in the beginning what to do with the empty pages of all those notebooks that you gifted me on Christmas and my birthdays, but I know it now, and they fill up with ideas for new works, blue notebook came to life as a blog....  Thank you for giving me empty space so that I could discover and re-discover myself every single day....

If you had asked me I would say "no"...  But the truth is that I would like to thank you God for making me different from others by making me me see the world differently than most people do...  Thank you for giving me all the street dogs, cats, open sky, a rainbow, leaves to look at...   Thank you for those few moments when I thought I lived through my own death... you made me go through the greatest fear of mine.... and thank you for making me pray to a heart of stone for I know that one day somewhere somehow it will awaken and somebody will finally hold my tired soul in his arms... Thank you for bipolar disorder for I prefer to see the world in its thousands colours than only see it as a spectrum of greyness...  Thank you for my grand mother who was the most loving creature of us all...

Thank you for making me loose the battle... you taught me humbleness... to win one has to loose sometimes... i'm learning patience... it is a difficult and painful lesson...  thank you for life...  I love it...  It is the greatest gift of them all...