Friday, October 3, 2014

The outskirts

Kochana Mamo,

I want to tell you a bit about the place where I live on the outskirts of a jungle. I meet some strange creatures here:

I've met an Ogre a few times. I actually met him for the first time a year back during my residential stint at the North Pole, but the first impression that he gave me was that of a buffalo as he was trying to impress me with his very limited knowledge of a foreign language. The impression was so bad that even the Elf was put into the category of buffalos for a moment and I refused to have my favourite drink in the company of these two creatures. But I've met an Ogre a few times now, and I think he simply is a creature with many layers, like onion, and he is quite intelligent too. And I actually like him a lot. It feels very good to be experimenting with magic in his company. i can feel the sense of connection. A strange thing happened today - the Ogre held me for a moment, and it felt so good, like a child. I don't think I realised how tired I am and how my body needs peace of simple human warmth. And you know Mom,it even feels nice talking to him, and he knows how to make me laugh.
Oh Mom... I recently discovered how much I love laughing. In the North Pole my adopted father used to make me laugh, and the Elf always knows how to bring out laughter in me. And I get so amazed when i laugh loud, I feel so happy then... like a child... and i simply love laughing loud, even though many people might find it inappropriate.

But you know Mom, it's not that I like everybody here on the outskirts. There is a creature that claims to have been named after a little lamp, but I think she is more of the tube light, even though she is rather short. She worked for many years in a corporate office under some bald head minister and she keeps talking about some marketing things, companies, applications, and god knows what else. She was out with us for lunch today and I was dreaming of having a fork with me to pierce her mouth so that she would remain quiet. She is so boring!
I was invited for some food to a social media advertiser's place, whose name has something to do with the forests, but I think it was a big mistake committed by her parents. Anyways, the evening involved 4 acrobats who constantly compared which part of their body got broken and when. it was so boring that I left after an hour.

There is also Dwarf that you already know about. He often reminds me of his non-existing elder twin brother and I love having nonsense conversations with him. It feels a bit as if he was my younger brother, just like my younger brother from the forests of north-east, who by mistake shifted to the North Pole to get some rotis for his parents. He is planning to go back to his kingdom soon, and I'd love to visit him sometimes and do some magic together. We had done it once before and I enjoyed the process a lot. And I am very proud of him for he struggles hard to send the rotis home. It impresses me. Oh, and he is a fantastic painter, plays flute and recently began to learn photography.

And there is another adopted younger brother of mine here. He sometimes doubles as a charioteer and a friend. He was named after the god of war, but he is a very naughty but peaceful creature. And he has a tail, and a lovely creature attached to that tail... I think she could be an Elfian princess in disguise.

There is a native girl from the land of dreams and I find her to be a wise and interesting person and would love to spend some time with her.

There is also a creature that was named after the offerings, and I like her a lot.

And you know mom... I touched the Elf... and it felt so warm, peaceful and gentle...  I think I would love to have many occasions for my experiments with touch...

And Mom... do you know that people here have so many crazy names for their jungle friends!!!! Well, I am a bit less adventurous on that front, but the names of my animals keep changing depending on my whims and moods, so the tigers have been through different phases in their lives: Bharata and Natyam, Marx and Freud, Cat 1 and Cat 2, and now only Mr Cat...

And Mom... do you remember how I wanted to name the hamster Indira when I was 5, and grandma began to explain to me that I should not be doing such a thing for Indira gandhi was an important person and my hamster is just a small creature....
Mom... Don't you think that I am a bit ridiculous????