Friday, January 9, 2015

how did you manage?

They killed the elf... He did not fit into societal norms... His ears were too spiky and the crooked nose disturbed the sensibilities of everybody around...
They threw the decapitated body onto a railway track for the passers by to watch and comment. The hawks flying above waiting for a piece of fresh elfian meat.
A toothless man on the phone announced his death.
An inquiry into the matter revealed that this was an act of mercy killing.
Only the practical can live.
The plastic mind.
A six year old child shot a butterfly on a newly bought i pad. In the years to come this shall be the the only reminiscence of his childhood.  The i pad I mean, for the butterflies would have become extinct by the time he turns twenty.
An invitation to nowhere.

This dreadful need for normal life that will never be fulfilled.
Give me the scissors and cut me out of all the pictures.
How did you manage...
How did you manage...
Did you manage?
Will I manage?
How will I manage?
How did you manage...

The difference between responsibility and giving up.
You never know which one comes first.

How did you manage?
I don't think I will.