Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I am ill. My nose turned into an elephant's trumpet, head is paining as if it was stung by hundred bees and mood is as low as Mariana Trench. If you are reading it, then let me warn you from the very beginning that it's not going to be the most eloquent post on earth but a monologue infused with whining and grumbling at its highest. Some people claim that that's the only thing I know how to do in life. So you can stop now... Don't say that I didn't warn you later on...

Dear world... I am really ill, and even the chocolate treatment didn't work, so please do have mercy on me and love me a bit today. I'm sitting with the hood over my head, socks on my feet and huge handkerchief next to me... And feel bored (books don't work today), and unhappy (please hold me somebody, give me tea and rasam and chocolate and pastry and read to me, and show me some film I haven't seen before).

The chief enemy of my army wasn't dying to trip over himself recently. Well... I understand.... Poor fellow...  After all a fall onto the pavement would give him a broken nose for sure and plastic surgery is expensive... But it's the crooked mannerless nose we are talking about! And I swear, someone should finally teach that nose a lesson, for he does rankle everybody around and thinks too highly of himself, despite the fact that it is in a rather low position in relation to the ground...
Oh... don't you think that idioms are the most incredible part of speech!!! I love them! And I love putting them on my plate and tearing them into pieces with a fork of my imagination.

Anyways... even imagination is refusing to cooperate today. The royal tiger turned its royal tail on me again... He should understand finally that half of the household job should be done by him.... But the lazy creature refuses to serve tea in the morning and doesn't want to wash the dishes... How ungrateful of him!

Dear world... will you please have mercy on me...  And if you could add some tasty pastry you would prove your magnificence today... but I guess you are just a grey XXI century world and you must be too busy with marketing and politics to notice a humble human being that I am.